Healing Retreats, Workshops & Aja Ekapada.
Intro to Ayurveda Self Care, Basics of Vedic Astrology to Know Yourself Better, Yoga Therapy including Yin, Tantra, Intuitive Healing and Fitness workshops in group or 1:1 are all on offer. Kitchen help is a love offering. And one Special Fire Purification ritual called Aja Ekapada in fasted state on Full or New Moon is on offer but must be respected and prepared for with utmost devotion.
“She has a way of presenting new material that makes time fly. We had a weekend Vedic Astrology & Ayurveda for your Health and Spiritual Growth workshop and wished it was longer.”
- Deanna Grace
Group Intention. For the win.
Workshops, Kitchen, Healings, & Purification Ritual.
Cooking and baking is meditative for me and I enjoy helping kitchen with divine food prep sometimes and setting up space to make it comfy & beautiful for guests. I love kitchen so if kitchen needs help, I step in with a smile. Mantra comes with it. I have served in famous ashrams and retreats. For awhile I was off all social and that is cool.
Intuitive Healing Sessions & Aja Ekapada
I am a healer. I only want to do it with the support of community now no longer alone in private practice. I did it for the masses earlier in life and know it is precious so I only touch who I want to now within a safe container. My style is a blend of Thai style stretching, acupressure, and aromatherapy with magnetic attuned hands. After initial deep stretches for alignment and posture, profound relaxation and a chance for your mind and body to reset ensues. At the end of the treatment, you feel renewed, aligned, nurtured. Intuitive messages frequently come with it. But sometimes a healthy body is silent and wants for nothing just to enjoy relaxation.
Then there is Aja Ekapada: Sacred Fire purification ritual. It is powerful cleansing, purifying rite. The God of this sacred Fire is Agni (the one who digests) and must be respected. A fasted state and offerings are necessary. Be ready to offer what no longer serves you.