Phone Readings are the best Medium for Psychics!
No matter where you are I can help you clear old energy and welcome in new possibilities. Virtual psychic astrology and intuitive wellness counsel within the structure of Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology are not costly or time-consuming but they do work. You can be totally honest with me, I am a friend and do not judge.
Three steps to Booking your first Session:
Use QR code through the Buy button then email birth details -date, exact birth time, location including city and country to my email along with 1-2 sentences communicating what your question is- what you need help with. I like to come prepared as I value time (Saturn).
l pull your Lahiri Vedic astrology star chart to prepare for our meeting and meditate on it, researching the planetary aspects that speak to me. My intuition comes through this structure best.
We schedule a 30-40 minute cel phone call. Voice is better for psychic reads as souls are ethereal and video only serves as distraction so make sure you are in a good reception area. Aloha. Blessings.
“I was running into the same problems and patterns in life and couldn’t understand why. After a psychic astrology reading with Shar, I truly understand and am making better choices now. Feeling grateful!”
- Mary B.
What to Expect from Teletherapy

Vedic Astrology
Astrology is a precise science. There is no separation between the chart and your life. Once the chart is pulled, the reader must have enough intuitive ability to allow the Divinity in your chart to speak through them in order to relay information correctly. As a channel of the Family of Light, Angel realm, spirit realm, and sometimes the lower realms only as needed you can be sure I relay what you need to hear, when you most need it. Use astrology to uncover talents and understand patterns, both good and bad. Use astrology to know which path you ultimately must go in life; and learn where you are now. Interpretation of the planets in your chart may include reading current astrological transits, progression, and lunar nodes (karmic past and future). You should at least know your soul planet, Atmakaraka or the planet with highest degree, and which Nakshatra or lunar mansion it falls in. Also its important to know which Dasha you are in now. As you may have noticed we go through lifetimes within lifetimes here and sometimes see drastic, sudden shifts- this is because different planets rule us at different times. We can also look at auspicious locations based on planetary lines. For best results, you should know your precise birth time.

Ayurveda Wellness Advice
Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic healing system with roots in India and in science. You may apply many of its smart healthy, lifestyle and nutrition principles in your day to day routine for better wellness practices to prevent disease, feel more energized, and increase stamina or beauty. Completing a health questionnaire beforehand expedites the process.

Energy Reads & Healings
Messages sit in your energy field and get stuck. The only way to process them is by dealing with them head on so they can dissolve and go back to nothing from which they came. I am just the messenger. Usually all we need to do is talk. We do relaxation and simply have a conversation. The energy field is always cooperative because it wants to heal. We can call in angels, guides, your star family and ancestors for deeper rooted issues. If you pets or kids need help, I love working with animals and kids. Please have no caffeine or meat the day of your appointment. The body needs to be in a relaxed state.