Namaste, Aloha and welcome! I am glad you are here.
-Shar Veda

We can do these things 1:1 or in the safe healing container of a retreat. I love supporting high end spiritual wellness retreats around the world with my healing, teaching, and intuitive abilities. What I offer and how we can fill in chunks of time in your next healing event.
Ayurveda Self Care. (2-4 hours depending on interest) The Ayurveda course is a basic understanding teaching participants how to balance the elements they are made of and heal the element that is in excess or deficient. Retreat facilitators can offer my morning yoga classes and afternoon Ayurveda Selfcare as well as simply give guests the option to schedule 1:1 consulting with me as a bonus.
Yoga Therapy - 1:1 or Group.
Ayurveda, yin or tantra yoga therapy consists of longer hold deep stretches to relax, release tension and open the body. I am pretty hands on and offer delicious alignment adjustments to deepen postures as well as tuning forks and Eucalyptus essential oil on third eye.
Intuitive Reads. I read energy fields. Everyone has one and within that field there are messages new and old dying to be digested by the being they surround. Some of these messages are old and super really ready to be released. Ancestral healing and any spirit attachment are addressed.
Animal Communications.
Star Kid Advice.
Channeling willing spirits and ancestors.
10 Facts About Me
My favorite color is gold.
I love travel. I have lived in Asia and South America in remote villages studying and working with shaman and traditional healers.
I am suuuppppper sensitive to all energy so lots of times in social settings, I block.
My favorite workout is light to medium weight-lifting, jumps, lunges and cardio moves followed by gentle yoga stretches.
Cooking and baking is a pleasure to me. My food is divine and one of my best gifts directly from God/dess. I sing mantra when I cook and bake and sincerely love it.
My healing style is gratitude for teachers, connecting with universal love, and listening to your body and energy field.
I was raised Lutheran Christian and had a great time singing next to my family in church, but even as a girl, I knew that was only one path, one story of God.
I have lived and worked in several spiritual centers.
I was a counselor and yoga therapist in two schools for at-risk teen girls and taught telepathy for kids course in a Hawaii Private School in the jungle one full semesters. Working with youth is important to me as they are the future.
I love wildflowers, waterfalls, hot springs, oceans, caves, and the jungle.
Shar Veda’s Educational Bio
“Penn State University BA English”
“Herbal Apprenticeship with Susun Weed”
“Yoga Teacher 500, Yoga Life Institute ”
“Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor, American Institute of Vedic Studies”
“Herbalism Apprenticeship with Joe Hollis”
“Understanding Addiction Certificate, Coastal Carolina Community College ”
“Ayurveda Yoga Therapist, California College of Ayurveda”
“Ayurveda Health Educator, California College of Ayurveda”
“Thai Yoga Bodywork Therapist, Vedic Conservatory”
“Joined International Association of Yoga Therapists”
“Energy Medicine Practitioner, Dr. John Beaulieau at Sivananda Ashram ”
“International School of Clairvoyance. L1. ”
“Hawaii Food Safety Certification. ”
Published Wellness Articles by Shar