First Name
Last Name
1. When I allow myself to get out of balance I usually feel
A) anxious, overwhelmed, worried.
B) irritated, angry, frustrated.
C) depressed, sluggish, tired.
2. My hair is
A) dry, frizzy, breaks easy.
B) oily, silky, fine.
C) thick, heavy, lustrous.
3. My skin is
A) dry, rough patches, needs moisture.
B) oily or combo, moles, freckles, prone to rash and redness.
C) smooth, soft, moist, pale, thick.
4. My eyes are
A) small, dry, dark-ish.
B) medium, piercing, inflame easily.
C) large, wide with long lashes.
5. My teeth and gums are
A) small-ish with receding gums.
B) medium with gums that bleed easily.
C) large teeth, soft , pale gums.
6. My body type is
A) skinny, slim, lanky lean.
B) medium.
C) large, stocky, strong, thick.
7. My digestion is
A) tend towards gas, bloating, constipation.
B) I burn stuff up, tend towards acid reflux, heart burn. I am regular, fast, loose.
C) sluggish, slow. I am regular but it takes awhile.
8. My voice is
A) weak, hoarse, low.
B) sharp, higher pitch, penetrating, good.
C) melodious, deeper, good tone.
9. My sleep is
A) light to insomnia, I hear everything.
B) good. I wake up and fall asleep again.
C) heavy, deep. I sleep like a log.
10. My dreams are
A) mostly flying, afraid of something, or restless.
B) full of passion, intensity, conflict.
C) romantic, watery, or dont remember.
11. My memory is
A) I notice things quickly and forget just as easily.
B) sharp, clear.
C) if I notice it at all, I remember.
12. With money, I tend to
A) make it and spend it.
B) spend on specific goals and projects.
C) save and accumulate property.
13. My shoulders are
A) narrow, curved.
B) medium.
C) wide, broad.
14. My lips are
A) thin, dry, narrow.
B) medium, pink, red.
C) large, thick, firm, moist.
15. My immune system is
A) weak, I get sick quickly.
B) ok, I get sick occassionally, tending towards fevers.
C) good, I rarely to never get sick. If I do, tend towards congestion.